It’s All in the Details.

How do you pronounce Hygge?  Huggie?  I guess it really doesn’t matter, what matters is that this unique word just keeps showing up on my pinterest board and in Pottery Barn catalogs and home decorating/lifestyle blogs that I read.   So… I investigated.   I checked out and read “The Little Book of Hygge.”  I looked at pictures Hygge things on Pinterest. I read a few blogs.

At first glance I thought, “Oh!  This should be natural for our family, my husband’s Grandfather was our families representative Danish speaking immigrant, straight from Denmark.”  You see, at it’s heart Hygge was born in Denmark and the definition, as I see it is “cozy.”  My take-away?  Bring nature in and light candles.  Wah-la!  Hygge.

Since we moved into our new house, we have had a couple of dinner parties.  Last night we had a dinner party and I decided to make it Hygge.  Meaning I lit a lot of candles. We had a fire going. I threw out some big cozy blankets.  I clipped rosemary and put it on the napkins, brought in some ferns from the woods and a sprig or two of cedar. Scott took the dog for a long walk so she was all tired and sleepy. I served the meal “family style,” including the wine which we also passed around family style – we drank a lot, we laughed a lot, we were all feeling pretty Hygge!

Here are a few pictures of the details…. I encourage you to try to Hygge every now and then (do you see how I made it a verb?).  Especially now.  Days are short.  The nights are  dark.  The weather is cold and formidable.  Perfect trifecta for a Hygge happening.

(prompt words: dog, unique, representative)

13 thoughts on “It’s All in the Details.

      1. I have a very slight obsession for Denmark… Everything Danish catches my eye, and there’s nothing “Danisher” than hygge 😉 I really enjoyed your post!


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