Rosebud Sheets

It is April 5, fifth day of my Poem A Day personal challenge.  I was completely uninspired until I saw this prompt – Laundry and I went straight back to my childhood summers at my grandmother’s house in New Mexico.  Summers where she hung clothes to dry in the plentiful sun – there is nothing, NOTHING as wonderful as sheets hung to dry, or perhaps a dress shirt hung by the collar

wooden laundry washing clothes line
Photo by Gratisography on
My Grandmother, 
Tiny and tough
Hangs sheets 
With gnarled fingers.
And those sheets,
After a day in the sun
Fluttering against
A hot breeze
Hang crisp and 
Summer scented.
That scent of
Fresh sheets
Off the line
Cool on a warm evening
Wrap me in the love
Of those hands,
Rosebud sheets
On a summer day
Many, Many years ago - 


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