Unique Blogger Award

Adventures of A Busy Mom!  I love her DIY/crafty, spiritual, storytelling blog!  Thanks so much for the nomination, my first!

I was a bit of a “lurker” here on WordPress, even though I have been posting since October, I never went to “reader” or knew about prompts, challenges, community pool, etc.  After a commitment to write every day, most of it here, I stumbled across one great blog after another.  There are so many fun and interesting bloggers out there!

I am a teacher/librarian and school will soon be starting and my posting will slow down I am sure, maybe I will become a “post-a-weeker,” but even if  I do “slow down,” I will be reading all these fabulous blogs!

Three questions from “Adventures of a Busy Mom:”

1) What is your goal in blogging? Who do you hope to reach?

I have several goals.

A) My goal started to simply put down thoughts for posterity.  Lately though as the idea ROLL, I would like to organize my writing a bit (very random now) and maybe put together a book for my kids.

B) I live in a VERY small, isolated town in Alaska and I wanted to reach out to other writers.

2) What is your favorite past time outside of blogging? What defines you?

Like most writers, reading is a favorite past time.  But I am really “crafty” too.  I paint watercolor, quilt, sew, nothing too high tech though, it has to be fun. I like taking long walks with my dog (and husband), even it it a little rainy. And I love to travel.

Being a mother and a grandmother defines me as well as a career as a teacher/librarian.  I love my job!

3) Share with us your favorite inspirational quote.

I don’t really have a “favorite quote,” when I need one I just go looking… so here is what I found from a favorite author and memoirist…

“Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.”   ~ Ann Lamott


I have nominated you!

The Rules:

  •  Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  •  Answer the questions.
  •  In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.


My three questions:

  1. Describe your writing area/routine.  (Desk? Comfy chair? What is on your desk?  Do you always drink tea? Coffee?)
  2. What is your favorite piece of writing you have ever done?  Give us a summary or better yet, paste a link to it here, or an excerpt.
  3. Tell us about the most interesting place you have ever been?  Doesn’t have to be travels, it could be the attic of your grandmother’s house… that type of thing.


My Nominations:

A Wandering Souls Blog: Her attention to tiny details is exquisite, her grammar choices interesting, creating a lovely ‘Stream of Consciousness” style of writing.

Telling the Truth: A very introspective blog, but what I especially love is her poetry.

Write Here: Write Now: A prolific writer blogger.  I am trying not to post bloggers with thousands of followers, because I am sure they are pretty busy, but I ADORE this blog, I wish I could sit down and talk writing face-to-face with this woman and I want you to meet her.

I am Writing: A straight forward blogger who gives us a glimpse into her life. I am linking to the blog that first caught my eye.

Pipers Adventures:   Poetry, usually nature inspired.

Grammy Writes: Great writing, great photography and she won me over with her “Alaska Adventures” series of photo-blogging

Writing on a Rock: She wrote a post about clearing out her family home that touched me, take a look!


I broke the rules a bit.  I am so new to this that I didn’t have a large repertoire of blogs I follow…. and then I had a hard time coming up with 8 – 16 bloggers who were not already nominated for this award, but I LOVE this group and think each one deserves it!


3 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award

  1. Hi again! Thank you so much for this nomination. I’m green with envy because you’re a librarian! Some of my best friends have been/are librarians, and I enjoyed being a library assistant for a while in 8th grade and then (for pay!) when I was a graduate student. Both D and I are retired academics. We’ve given away thousands of books, and our house still looks like a library. Decorating scheme: bookshelves! On every floor. In virtually every room. Including the attic. Books rule!

    Blessings on your new year and in your writing. I almost (though not quite) envy your life in Alaska. Except for the drizzle and cold…. 😦 On the other hand, it would doubtless inspire a lot of poems! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi – thank you so much for this nomination – it came as such a surprise that I couldn’t work out what to do!
    I enjoy your writing, and am absolutely intrigued by your Alaskan life.
    Hopefully I’m going to get the next bit right.

    Liked by 1 person

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